Audiences will soon gather inside the oldest surviving theatre on mainland Australia to be immersed in a musical and three-dimensional visual experience birthed by the planet’s oldest continuing culture.

Illuminate Adelaide

Hearing a didgeridoo and classical strings, they will become part of the songlines: inside the earth one moment, becoming galactic the next. The event, Square Circles VR, is running as part of the new 17-night Illuminate Adelaide festival, which celebrates the crossover of music and technology.

The city’s Queen’s Theatre, built in 1840, will host a five metre-high dome as an immersive gathering space in which to hear and see Square Circles VR from 16 to 24 July. It will combine a composition by Kalkadunga didgeridoo player William Barton and the Australian String Quartet with visuals by local companies Jumpgate Virtual Reality and Go Patterson Films.

The vibrations of Barton’s voice – his vocal waves – will be translated visually into the creation of Country, as projections are thrown onto the dome’s surface, which will resemble an unwrapped world map. “The beauty with virtual reality is you can be the rain drop,” says the ASQ’s Director of Engagement and Learning, Stephen King, who is...