It’s the time of year when many of us in the media enjoy letting our heads swivel back and forth, Janus-like, over the old year and the new.

December is nearly upon us, the time of year when many of us in the media enjoy letting our heads swivel back and forth, Janus-like, over the old year and the new. This month we look back at the life of popular Estonian composer Arvo Pärt as he passes the 80-year milestone. Then, with the help of half a dozen ‘hoary’ musicians, who collectively have notched up around 200 years at our State orchestras, we have a giggle over some of their tallest tales from the distant past. And here in the office we’re already up to our ears in the ultimate annual retrospective as our critics wrestle with best-in-show type deliberations for the announcement next month of our Recording of the Year.

Look ahead, on the other hand, and you get that feeling of butterflies in the stomach as you attempt to peer into the mists that seem to shroud the year to come. Our cover feature, for example, looks at a brand new TV opera and asks, “Is this the future?” Of course, the million-dollar question going forward is often as simple as, “Where will we all be in another 12 months?”

Any publication depends on its readers, but especially on its subscribers. As anyone will tell you, it’s a tough time for print media. People are losing the habit of picking up a magazine, preferring to graze the net for ‘free’ content. Here at Limelight we feel luckier than some, as our loyal, engaged readers are helping to buck some of that trend – but only some of it. As other mainstream publications pull back on the arts, we want to reach new audiences and grow our coverage – and we have bold plans to do just that. We want to be broader, to go deeper and to range more widely across this great country of ours. But to achieve that we need you. One practical way to help would be to consider gifting a Limelight subscription to a friend or family member this Christmas. If each of you did that, the future of the magazine would be secured for the next five to ten years!

I’d prefer to think of the above as a cheeky shout out rather than a plea for help. An Editor can only sound this particular bell once a year, and given the season I thought I’d ring it now. If it happens to chime with you, so much the better – but, whatever else, don’t let it stop your enjoyment of this month’s magazine.

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